带标签 ‘SEO’ 的文章



How a Search Engine Works 搜索引擎是如何工作的

Search engine is the popular term for an information retrieval (IR) system. While researchers and developers take a broader view of IR systems, consumers think of them more in terms of what they want the systems to do — namely search the Web, or an intranet, or a database. Actually consumers would really prefer a finding engine, rather than a search engine.

关于301重定向Windows Server 2008 R2 设置方法

在做SEO优化时,我们为了集中站点的权重,一般需要将主域名“xxxx.com”定向到“www.xxxx.com” 如果不做301重定向会导致:你站点主域名的pr值分散到其他几个URL了。先查询几个网址的PR值,如果结果一致,说明网站没有规范化问题;如果不一致,表明有规范化问题。这时候我们就需要使用301永久定向技术来实现网址的规范化了。需要注意的是,带www和不带www的两个网址,www其实是个二级域名。